On Wednesday 5 August, Joint Force Alba’s Emma Davies attended the West Lowland Battalion ACF Visitors’ Day.
Joint Force Alba is Scotland’s only recruitment agency specialising in matching employers to candidates who are service leavers. The organisation has also just received the Gold Employer Recognition Scheme award, demonstrating their commitment to Defence.
As well as enjoying a raft of presentations from Cadets and an insight into camp, Emma led a CV writing seminar for the Cadets.
The Cadet-tailored workshop included guidance on:
- How to structure a CV
- Aims of a CV
- Writing a CV
- Interview tips
Emma also showed the Cadets how they can speak about their Cadet experience on a CV. With skills developed like commitment, dedication, confidence, initiative, team-working, leadership and planning, Emma encouraged the Cadets that they’ve got a lot to offer a potential employer.
Cadet Corporal Mills from Irvine ACF Detachment said: ‘I’m looking to start my university application soon, so this was very helpful. My first CV wasn’t the best, but after hearing this presentation I know how to improve it and make it look more presentable.’
Cadet Corporal Bain, also from the Irvine Detachment, reflected: ‘I talked loads about my Cadet experience in both my personal statement and in my CV. I was surprised though at actually how much thought needs to go into a CV. I found this presentation really interesting.’
With at least fifteen of the Cadets in the room actively looking for work, this seminar could not have been more pertinent.
Many thanks to Emma from Joint Force Alba for her time, expertise and support.