What is Exercise Deep Heat?
Exercise Deep Heat is an event where participants can gain an insight into what it’s like to lead teams, in a pressurised but safe environment, applying theory to practical and complex situations.
The overall effect is designed to develop an attendee’s self-awareness of their influence in group and individual situations as well as their self-confidence. The exercise has a humanitarian aid theme running through it where participants work in a neutral environment to better identify learning points.
This exercise is not physically demanding so potential attendees should not expect to be run ragged through the day, the exercise can accommodate attendees with disabilities. Much of the day focuses on practicing leadership skills within a very supportive environment.
Read what employers had to say about Ex Deep Heat in previous years
Participants will spend a full day on-site, with complimentary lunch, drinks and evening meal provided. The mess team is happy to accommodate any dietary requirements.
Find out more about the Officer’s Training Corps
World-class Leadership Training
During Deep Heat you will learn about:
- Decision making
- Vision
- Ethics
- Strategy
- Responsibility
- Contribution
- Management
- Integrity
- Influence
- Communication
- Support
- Teamwork
- Planning
Typical Course Information
Exercise Deep Heat is due to take place in 2022. To find out more or to get involved, please email lo-info@rfca.mod.uk