Lowland Reserve Forces’ & Cadets’ Association is pleased to announce the nomination process for the Lord-Lieutenants’ Awards 2021 is now live and online.
Entries have historically been submitted in printed form however, a digital form can now be found on the Lowland RFCA website.
Lord-Lieutenant Certificates of Meritorious Service are an important means of recognising valuable Reserve and Cadet Force service and are recognised as laudatory honours throughout the Ministry of Defence.
They give public recognition to Reservists, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, Cadets and civilians of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations.
Commanding Officers and Commandants are asked to read the Guidance Notes and Eligibility Criteria before submitting nominations.
It is only Commandants and Commanding Officers that may submit nominations to Lowland RFCA, usually through the Cadet Executive Officers and Adjutants respectively. Individual Reservists, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, Cadets or Civil Servants may not apply.
All the information is available at: https://www.lowlandrfca.org.uk/lord-lieutenants-certificates-of-meritorious-service-2021/