Lord-Lieutenant Certificates

Philip Braat with two Cadets



The office of Lord-Lieutenant is of military origin and dates back to the time of Henry VIII. They were originally appointed for the maintenance of order and for military purposes relating to local Defence.

Their military role has largely disappeared, but links are maintained by association with the Reserve Forces and RFCAs. The Lord-Lieutenants are also connected with various other uniformed services, including: Fire, Police, Ambulance and Cadets.

Lord-Lieutenants have long been associated with the magistracy and, until the 19th century, they appointed the Clerk of the Peace. Nowadays, Lord-Lieutenants generally sit as magistrates.


The appointment is made by the King, and a Lord-Lieutenant is selected for each area. This area often shares a boundary with the county; save for the cities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, pursuant to Section 1 of the Lieutenancies Act 1997. Deputy Lieutenants are appointed by a process which involves The King’s non-disapproval of the nominated person.

Recipients of both Lord-Lieutenant's Awards and Employer Recognition Scheme Awards grouped together at Edinburgh City Chambers.


The Lord-Lieutenant is His Majesty’s representative in his/her Lieutenancy. It is his/her foremost duty to uphold the dignity of the Crown. Thereby he/she seeks to promote a spirit of co-operation and good atmosphere by the time he/she gives to voluntary and benevolent organisations and by the interest he/she takes in the business and social life of the county.


The duties of the Lord-Lieutenant as the Monarch’s county representative are many and varied and include:

  • Arranging visits of the Royal Family including planning, security and briefing on local issues.
  • Supporting and promoting a wide range of voluntary activity both publicly and behind the scenes.
  • Supporting and promoting civic and social activity within their Lieutenancy.
  • Supporting local business, including visits to local businesses and promoting the King’s Award for Enterprise.
  • Supporting the Armed and Reserve Forces; liaising with local units and their associated Cadets Forces.
  • Play an active part in the honours system, including increasing public awareness of the honours system, encouraging nominations, helping to assess nominations, and presenting certain honours, medals and awards on behalf of The King.



Lord-Lieutenant Certificates

Lord-Lieutenant Certificates are an important means of recognising valuable Reserve and Cadet Force service.  They give public recognition, they are much appreciated and valued by the individual, and their presentation in a civic forum gives due profile to the unit and its contribution to Defence and society.

The annual Lord-Lieutenants’ Awards for Reservists, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs), Cadets and employees of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Organisations of the Armed Forces are recognised as laudatory honours throughout the Ministry of Defence.

To find out more about the nomination process, click either button below.

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