City of Edinburgh UOTC Training Weekend

UOTC members laughing

We loved getting a report from the City of Edinburgh UOTC (University Officer Training Corps) on their most recent training weekend, giving us an insight into how these students make the most of their time at university. Check it out:

Despite the bad weather last week, we pushed through and enjoyed a successful training weekend.

UOTC piggy back

The first-year company, Haldane, completed their weapon handling tests and did individual ten-minute presentations to practice public speaking as well as a navigation orienteering exercise in Pentlands.

The second-year company, Christison, conducted training on harbour attack response, grenade handling, and battlefield casualties. They also took part in a battlefield physical training session, where they did section races with jerry cans, football, and eventually each other to practice casualty evacuation, fitness, and teamwork.

Officer Cadet Al Milne said:

‘I can’t believe I get to go out with my mates and be trained on how to throw a grenade! This is an experience I cannot believe I am getting during my time at uni!’

UOTC members carries water

To find out more about what the UOTC has to offer, click here.

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