Exciting new research has been published that demonstrates the positive impact the Cadet organisations have on young people and wider society.
Professor Simon Denny and Professor Richard Hazenberg, of the University of Northampton, were commissioned by Lowland and Highland Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association to examine the effect of the Cadet Forces in Scotland on the Cadets and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers. The research focussed on the impact of the Cadet Forces on education, health, employability and community for those involved with the organisation.
Denny and Hazenberg concluded their study by saying: ‘The Cadet Forces are uniformed volunteer youth movements that benefit nearly all their participants, both young people and adults.’
‘There is not a single area of my life that Cadets has not made better.’ Cadet, Glasgow
Importantly, the study also considered whether the taxpayer-funded Cadet programme is value for money. Convinced this is the case, the report finishes: ‘It is not possible to definitively calculate the exact value of these impacts and the return on investment produced by the Cadet Forces in Scotland; there is no single figure that can be said to identify the return on investment. However, where calculations of financial return can be carried out based on models produced by HM Government and others, their sum is vastly more than the annual cost of the Cadet Forces in Scotland. Spending c. £17 million a year of Ministry of Defence funding on the Scottish Cadet Forces is an excellent use of taxpayers’ money.
‘I think it is pretty obvious when an applicant has been a Cadet. They present themselves well, you can see the difference from non-Cadets.’ Paramedic Officer, Scottish Ambulance Service
This remarkable and insightful study is hugely affirming to all those who are currently engaged in facilitating and supporting the Cadet movement in Scotland. Furthermore, it should encourage parents and those involved with the prospering of our nation’s youth to consider the Cadet organisation as an excellent partner to building the next generation.
To read the study in full, click here.