Having a Ball at Wimbledon

Two Reservists from HMS Dalriada standing either side of a Wimbledon Championships logo.

There is never a shortage of famous faces among the crowds at the Wimbledon Championships, but we were just as excited to see a few familiar faces from the Lowlands there too.

Representatives from HMS Dalriada and Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde Air Squadron (UGSAS) had the enormous privilege of providing support to the competition as military service stewards.

Officer Cadets Byres and Campbell from Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde Air Squadron standing together in front of the All England Club tennis court.

Chief Petty Officer Woods, Leading Hand Coventry and Leading Hand Finlayson from HMS Dalriada were lucky enough to preside over the Centre Court and No.1 Court during this year’s Wimbledon Championships, while UGSAS’ Officer Cadets Byers and Campbell were kept busy at the All England Club, representing the Royal Air Force and meeting colleagues from all over the UK. 

Officer Cadet Campbell from UGSAS said: ‘Wimbledon is a very special place and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity. I would definitely encourage my peers to apply in future years – the excitement of watching the finals is something that I will remember forever.’

CPO Woods, Leading Hand Coventry and Leading Hand Finlayson standing at the memorial statue of tennis star F J Perry

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