Guidance Notes
The purpose of the nomination form is two-fold:
- to provide information that allows Lowland RFCA to discern whether the individual should be put forward for a Certificate of Meritorious Service in the first instance;
- and to provide the basis for the prose that will be read as a citation on the presentation of the award.
Hence the information needs to be complete, self-explanatory and elaborate.
It needs to provide a full picture of the person being nominated, why they are deserving of the award and the achievements they have attained.
Please presume that the nomination is being read / assessed by a non-military person. To this end:
- Avoid abbreviations, or at least explain them first
- Avoid colloquial military terminology if possible
- Ensure that all references to courses / medals / qualifications are clearly understandable
- Try and be clear in your language generally
- If the nominee has been mobilised, please outline where they served (eg Camp Bastion, Helmand Province), who with (eg 1 MERCIAN battlegroup) and what they did (eg intelligence analyst in support of ISAF patrol bases)
- Elaborate: more is better, as it provides a better back-story.
- Use the citation to inform the civic audience about what the individual does in their role, what value they bring and wider contribution that they make
If you have any queries, contact [email protected] for further information or examples.
Eligibility Criteria
1. The Lord-Lieutenant’s Certificate of Meritorious Service award is open to all serving members of the RNR, RMR, Army Reserve, RAF Reserves and to adult members of the CCF, SCC, ACF and RAF Air Cadets and Civilians (e.g. Civil & Crown Servants) who are employed in direct support of the Reserve Forces and Cadets. Within Lowland RFCA our policy has always been one of encouraging suitably qualified individuals to be put forward for consideration.
2. Clear evidence of meritorious (valuable)[1] service is required for those being recommended.
3. The minimum qualifying service is eight years’ continuous service. Service for the award will count from the date on which the nominee enlisted in the Reserve Forces / Cadet Forces.
4. The full training obligation must have been completed for each of the eight years’ qualifying service.
5. A serving volunteer may qualify for a second or subsequent award after further qualifying periods of six years, provided all service is continuous and annual training obligations have been met.
6. All recommendations for the award of the Certificate are to be initiated by the Commanding Officer. The Chief Executive of the Association will provide a proforma for such recommendations.
7. Recommendations will be called for annually by the Chief Executive. They will be submitted to the Lowland RFCA Chairman for consideration.
8. Awards are, whenever possible, to be presented on a ceremonial occasion by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of the Lieutenancy in which the recipient normally serves. Only if the Lord-Lieutenant, or his or her representative, is unavailable to present his or her Certificates, should the Association Chairman or a senior officer of the relevant Service, such as the Honorary Colonel of the recipient’s Unit, be invited to deputise.
9. The number of Certificates to be awarded annually should not normally exceed 5% of a Unit’s strength as at 31 October of each year. This limit may, however, be exceeded in deserving cases.
[1] Examples of valuable service include; mobilised service; leadership/mentoring roles; training lead, organising wider activities – social, sport and training leader; other activities or length of service and commitment that brings value to the unit.