A Cadet from Amiens Company, Glasgow & Lanarkshire Battalion was presented with a Praiseworthy Award from the Royal Humane Society last weekend.
The Royal Humane Society is a charitable organisation that issues awards such as medals, testimonials and certificates for acts of bravery in the saving of human life.
Cadet Corporal Calum Bunch received his certificate from Colonel Mike Edwards, the Battalion’s Honorary Colonel, in recognition of his quick thinking and actions in administering life saving First Aid last year.
Second Lieutenant Cheryl Mulligan, a Cadet Force Adult Volunteer and Medical Support Officer with the Battalion, shared Calum’s incredible story with Lowland RFCA:
‘On 21 April 2024, Corporal (Cpl) Calum Bunch administered First Aid to his own father, who collapsed outside his home while operating electrical tools, had a seizure, and had to be monitored for 90 minutes before paramedics arrived.
‘During that time, Cpl Bunch kept the area safe and ensured that his father stayed warm while outside. He was placed in the recovery position after the seizure, allowing fluid to drain from his airways, and Cpl Bunch then prepared to administer CPR when he stopped breathing for a short period of time, seeking advice from medical staff on the phone before bringing his dad inside to wait for paramedics.’
Once inside, Cpl Bunch used medical equipment that was stored in-house for other relatives to monitor his father’s blood pressure and oxygen levels, all while keeping calm in a situation that left others frozen with panic.
‘Cpl Bunch’s father remained in the hospital for some time following surgery to relieve fluid from his brain after a life-threatening build-up. Cpl Bunch’s quick actions saved his life and allowed him to be transferred safely to medical care and undergo surgery within hours.’
Lieutenant Amy-Jo Battersby, who was Calum’s Detachment Commander at the time of the incident, commented:
‘Cpl Bunch’s actions prevented further injury following the collapse of the casualty and subsequent seizure around dangerous equipment. He promoted recovery by ensuring emergency services were called, seeking advice before moving the casualty and monitoring him for 90 minutes using equipment that was available to him.
‘Cpl Bunch’s actions demonstrate not only that he is a calm and confident Cadet, but also exemplifies leadership under pressure and being capable of administering First Aid, even when faced with the personal challenges of a family member being seriously ill.
‘They also demonstrate that the training offered by the Army Cadet Force has the capacity to develop young First Aiders capable of saving lives.’
Congratulations to Calum on receiving such a well-deserved reward and many thanks to Amiens Company for sharing such an inspiring story. Lowland RFCA wishes Calum and his family all the best moving forward.